Boiler Maintenance: When and How Often?

When it comes to boiler maintenance, B.I.M.S., Inc. has the solutions. Beginning with a discussion about the brand and model, make and year that the boiler was put into service, we will also discuss with you the manufacturer's recommendations for maintaining your boiler.  

Then we find out if the boiler has been maintained to those recommendations. From there we can determine serious maintenance gaps in the maintenance record and the outcome of those maintenance items or lack thereof. 

This discussion isn't to belittle anyone. It is only designed as a reference point for us to best help you in your boiler maintenance program. Also, it’s designed to pinpoint areas where we may be able to increase boiler efficiency through a scheduled maintenance program. 

What Are Common Maintenance Items for My Commercial Boiler? 

In some cases, the boiler may need to be maintained on a daily basis to maintain safety and overall boiler efficiency. Boilers can become a rather dangerous part of a business process if they are not properly maintained. 

These types of dangers include a threat to human or personnel safety along with a loss of productivity and business revenue. In more extreme situations, explosions can occur, causing a risk of injury to workers and damage to a facility. For these reasons, it is best that a maintenance program should be adhered to. 

We can consult with you to get you and your maintenance personnel up to speed on the most efficient ways to perform these maintenance schedules along with daily maintenance if required.  

We can chat about situations such as: 

  • Blowdowns 
  • Openings; which to open first 
  • What is a stack temperature? 
  • What is the correlation between the stack temperature and steam temperature? 
  • What is a flame impingement?  
  • What is the boiler pressure? 
  • What is the steady load? 
  • And other items that you may be experiencing or have concerns about to increase efficiency 

Why Us? 

We are factory trained and certified by many of the major boiler manufacturers on the market including Lochinvar, Raypak, RBI, Crown Boiler Company, Peerless Boiler, Absolute Boilers, Velocity Boiler Works, Ajax, De Dietrich Boilers, Burnham Commercial Boilers, Laars, Enerpro Boilers and Weil-McLain. 

We know and understand boilers and boiler processes and are here to help you with your boiler maintenance needs. 

Contact us today to schedule your boiler maintenance consultation.