Boiler Repair: Common Issues Exposed

Having boiler issues and think you may be in need of boiler repair? Here are some very helpful and basic items to check should you be experiencing boiler issues. Basic boiler repair can be done by a business owner or hired staff but only if there are very common issues that are preventing the hot water from flowing. Always follow manufacturer recommended procedures and obey all safety precautions before you embark on checking any of these parts of your boiler system.

What Can I Do Before I Call a Boiler Repair Company in Grapevine & Dallas, Texas?

Here are some examples of these very basic and common issues in a step-by step-fashion to check before you reach out and call a boiler repair company technician to come and look at the boiler: 

  1. Power: Check that the power is going to the unit. This is done by knowing which circuit breaker the boiler is on and checking to see that the breaker is not tripped and is in the “ON” position. Check that the lights are on at the boiler after looking at the breaker to verify that power is at the boiler. Also check the controls to make sure that everything is set as it should be. 
  1. Pilot Light: To check the pilot light, it’s best to check with your owner’s manual to see that the pilot light is lit. Always follow the recommended relighting instructions. If in doubt, contact us about the pilot light. 
  1. Hot Water: Check hot water at the source to determine if hot water has arrived. You will need to let the water run for a couple of minutes at least. When checking do this at a lower flow rate or closer to a trickle. If your water is warm, you may need to give it some additional time to see if it develops into hot water. 

If problems still persist and you're not able to obtain hot water, then it is time to call your B.I.M.S., Inc. specialist and schedule a service with our boiler repair company near Grapevine & Dallas, Texas so we can come and take a look.

What If I Need a Service Technician? 

When we arrive, we will take a look at the overall condition of the boiler. Our service technician will be following boiler safety protocol and recognizing unusual noises or a “no heat condition, thermostat problems, general boiler conditionas well as asking about temperature swings, pilot light issues and/or a leaking boiler condition. 

Afterwards we will be able to tell you what is going on with your boiler and what type of boiler repair is recommended along with a complete quote to repair the boiler.

Why Us? 

We sell, install and service all major brands of boilers including Lochinvar, Raypak, RBI, Crown Boiler Company, Peerless Boiler, Absolute Boilers, Velocity Boiler Works, Ajax, De Dietrich Boilers, Burnham Commercial Boilers, Laars, Enerpro Boilers and Weil-McLain. 

Contact us today to schedule a service call. We are open 24 hours, 7 days a week.