Get a Review Now
Send this link to your customer's phone:
Step 1: Share this link with your customer by tapping and holding this link: Google Review
Step 2: Select the Share link on your phone.
Step 3: Select to share as a text message (your Messages app) and select New Message.
Step 4: Type in their mobile number, make sure it's correct and hit the Send SMS icon.
What Happens Next
Customer will receive your text momentarily, where he or she will tap the Google Review link that you sent in your text.
It will be a long link to Google's Rate and review page for B.I.M.S., Inc.
It will open to the Rate and review page, with Google Stars where they can select their choice of stars (hopefully 5 stars!) and share details of their own experience with B.I.M.S., Inc.
Thank you!
B.I.M.S., Inc.
1114 S Airport Cir, #120
Euless, TX 76040
(214) 467-COLD (2653) |
Fax: (469) 466-3183
With every service call or project, our factory trained and professional technicians will thoroughly inspect and diagnose your situation for problems, consult with you on the course of action that works best for you, and make necessary repairs in a timely manner so you can avoid interruptions in service. We make sure to keep you in the loop every step of the way so you have peace of mind and avoid headaches for you and those you work with.
B.I.M.S., Inc. has served the Dallas Texas and surrounding areas for over 40 years — we can handle the design, installation, repair and maintenance of Chillers, Boilers, Controls, VFDs, Pumps, Air Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration, Process cooling and more.
Call us if you have any questions, and schedule a service call or consultation today.