Roof Top Units

Understanding Roof Top Units

Introduction to Roof Top Units

At B.I.M.S., Inc., we’ve been working with commercial and industrial HVAC-R systems, including Roof Top Units (RTUs), for over 45 years. Our extensive experience has taught us that while the needs of every building and business can vary widely, the constant is the necessity for efficient, reliable heating and cooling solutions. Roof Top Units often emerge as a brilliant solution for a wide range of applications, offering both versatility and performance.

Understanding Roof Top Units

Roof Top Units are comprehensive, all-in-one heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems that are designed to be installed on the roof of a building. These units are especially popular in commercial settings due to their efficiency and ease of maintenance. A key benefit of RTUs is their compact nature, which is ideal for businesses looking to maximize indoor space. By housing all components in a single unit, they provide a streamlined approach to temperature control and air quality management.

Benefits of Roof Top Units

Choosing a Roof Top Unit for your building comes with several distinct advantages. Key among these is space efficiency – by situating the unit on the roof, valuable interior space is preserved for business use. Additionally, RTUs offer ease of installation and maintenance. Our technicians appreciate the centralized components which simplify servicing tasks. Moreover, RTUs possess the capacity to offer improved air quality and energy efficiency, a crucial consideration in today’s environmentally conscious society.

Is a Roof Top Unit Right for Your Company?

Building Type and Size

Though Roof Top Units are highly versatile, they’re not a one-size-fits-all solution. They’re most commonly found on mid-sized commercial buildings like restaurants, stores, and warehouses. The configuration of these units generally serves structures of up to 10 stories tall efficiently. This suitability is because the efficacy of an RTU in circulating air tends to diminish in very tall buildings due to the challenges of pushing air through extensive ductwork.

Roof Accessibility

An often-overlooked factor in the decision process is roof access. For the RTU system to be maintained properly and regularly, easy access to the roof is essential. Inaccessible roofs can lead to neglected maintenance, reducing the system’s efficiency and lifespan. Our team at B.I.M.S., Inc. assists in evaluating building layouts to ensure that an RTU system would be a feasible and practical choice.

The Unique Advantages of RTUs

One of the remarkable aspects of Roof Top Units is their energy efficiency. These units can significantly reduce energy consumption, leading to lower operating costs. Furthermore, their installation on the roof means that noise from the unit itself is less likely to disrupt the day-to-day operations of a business. Our clients often report satisfaction with the unobtrusive nature of these systems.

Installation and Maintenance Considerations

Ease of Installation

Our seasoned technicians find that Roof Top Units are among the easier HVAC systems to install, especially when replacing an existing unit or when pre-existing ductwork is available. This compatibility can lead to significant cost savings and reduced downtime for businesses. In addition, RTUs are designed for the harsh conditions often encountered on rooftops, making them durable and reliable over time.

Maintenance Tips

Maintenance is crucial for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your RTU. Routine inspections, cleaning of filters, and checks on the refrigerant levels can prevent many common issues. B.I.M.S., Inc. offers comprehensive maintenance services, tailored to keep your RTU in prime condition and extend its service life. We believe in proactive maintenance to avoid emergency repairs.

Selecting the Right RTU for Your Building

Finding the perfect Roof Top Unit requires a careful consideration of your building’s specific needs. This includes evaluating the building size, local climate conditions, and energy efficiency goals. Our team at B.I.M.S., Inc. can provide expert guidance, helping you navigate the options to find an RTU solution that fits your requirements and budget.

Roof Top Units represent a versatile and efficient solution for many commercial and industrial buildings. At B.I.M.S., Inc., our experience has shown us the value these units can provide in terms of energy efficiency, cost savings, and space conservation. As with any significant investment, careful consideration and professional guidance are essential. We are dedicated to providing our clients with the knowledge and support needed to make the best decision for their HVAC needs.

  • Space efficiency
  • Ease of installation and maintenance
  • Improved air quality and energy efficiency
  • Durability and reliability
  • Cost-effectiveness over time

For businesses considering an HVAC upgrade or installation, Roof Top Units offer a compelling option that balances performance with convenience. The team at B.I.M.S., Inc. is ready to bring our expertise to your next project, ensuring you get a system that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

Installation and Maintenance Considerations

What is a RTU in HVAC?

At B.I.M.S., Inc., we often get inquiries about what exactly a Roof Top Unit (RTU) is in the realm of HVAC systems. Let me break it down for you in a simple, yet comprehensive manner. A RTU is essentially a type of HVAC system designed to be installed on rooftops. They’re an all-in-one solution that provides heating, cooling, and ventilation. What makes them particularly appealing for many commercial setups is their compact design and efficiency. Imagine having a single unit that tackles everything related to indoor air quality and temperature control. That’s an RTU for you. Plus, their rooftop location saves precious indoor space, which is a boon for any business.

How much does a roof top AC unit cost?

The question of cost is always at the forefront when businesses consider installing a Roof Top AC unit. While it’s challenging to provide an exact figure due to the variations in size, capacity, and features, I can offer some general insights. Typically, a commercial RTU can range anywhere from $3,500 to over $20,000. This substantial range accounts for the initial purchase price, installation, and any customization required for your specific needs. At B.I.M.S., Inc., we believe in transparent conversations about costs and strive to find solutions that match our clients’ budgets without compromising on quality or performance.

What is roof top unit in HVAC?

A Roof Top Unit in HVAC is akin to a Swiss Army knife for commercial heating, cooling, and ventilation needs. It’s a versatile, all-encompassing system that sits, as the name suggests, atop buildings. This placement isn’t just for aesthetic or space-saving reasons; it’s also strategic. Being on the roof, these units can operate more quietly, without disturbing the daily workflow inside the building. They are engineered to withstand harsh weather conditions, offering robust solutions for efficient temperature control and air quality management across various commercial venues.

What is the difference between a VAV and a RTU?

Understanding the difference between a Variable Air Volume system (VAV) and a Roof Top Unit (RTU) is crucial for anyone navigating the HVAC landscape. VAVs are a type of HVAC system that adjust the airflow at constant temperature, providing precise temperature control for different zones within a building. On the other hand, an RTU typically refers to a unit that can provide both heating and cooling from a single rooftop installation. The key distinction lies in their operation – while an RTU is a comprehensive, all-in-one system, a VAV system is part of a broader HVAC solution, focusing on variable airflow to control temperatures more dynamically.

Are RTUs suitable for all types of buildings?

At B.I.M.S., Inc., we’ve encountered numerous scenarios where clients wonder if a Roof Top Unit (RTU) is right for their building. The answer isn’t always straightforward. RTUs are incredibly versatile and can be a fantastic choice for various commercial buildings, especially mid-sized ones like restaurants, retail stores, and warehouses. However, the efficacy of RTUs tends to decrease in buildings taller than 10 stories, primarily due to the challenges associated with pushing air through extensive ductwork. It’s always best to consult with professionals like us to assess your specific circumstances and determine if an RTU aligns with your building’s needs and objectives.

How often should RTUs be maintained?

Maintenance is paramount for the longevity and efficiency of Roof Top Units. At B.I.M.S., Inc., we advocate for a proactive approach to maintaining these systems. Generally, a thorough inspection and maintenance routine should be conducted at least twice a year, preferably during the spring and fall to ensure the system is prepared for the harsher summer and winter months. This routine should include cleaning or replacing filters, inspecting refrigerant levels, and checking for any potential issues. Remember, regular maintenance not only extends the lifespan of your RTU but also prevents costly emergency repairs down the line.

What are the energy efficiency benefits of RTUs?

In today’s eco-conscious world, energy efficiency isn’t just a buzzword–it’s a necessity. Roof Top Units (RTUs) shine brightly in this arena. These systems are designed with efficiency in mind, capable of significantly reducing energy consumption and, consequently, operational costs. At B.I.M.S., Inc., we’ve seen firsthand how the right RTU can lead to substantial savings for businesses. Their design, which consolidates heating, cooling, and ventilation into one unit, optimizes resource use and reduces waste. When paired with modern technology like programmable thermostats or energy recovery ventilators, RTUs can enhance energy savings even further, making them an excellent choice for environmentally and budget-conscious businesses.


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